Baseline Survey in Patenga ADP
(July 2011 – September 2011)
Project Location: Baseline Survey in Patenga ADP
Narrative Description of the Project and Services Provided :
The objective of the survey is to provide estimates of selected socio-economic characteristics of the target population and baseline information regarding health, education, livelihood and sponsorship management – the four core pillars of Patenga ADP. These will provide a baseline for the assessment of progress during the implementation of three projects. At early stage of the survey, secondary information from review of literature would be collected. During baseline survey, estimates should be provided for the main areas if intervention that would be expected to show a measurable impact on households and individuals under different groups of the selected DG. The information might include measures of income and consumption, non-income welfare measures such as literacy and health status, economic activity, access to infrastructure and services, and measures of governance, gender and other development and empowerment indicators. Thus overall objective of the baseline survey is to assess the baseline situation of all projects included in ADP focusing primarily at outcome levels.
On and above, the specific objectives of the baseline survey are as follows:
- To assess existing socio-economic, demographic[1], health[2], environmental[3] of the community people, especially the women and children for assisting planning, implementing and monitoring & evaluation of the ADP projects and program.
- To establish a sound, quantitative and qualitative base information by assessing the levels of Awareness, Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of given population on selected topics as per logical frame on Goal & Outcome indicator in Patenga ADP.
- To use data in measuring the changes over time and enabling comparison both at national and ADP levels. The mid-cycle reviews (MCR) and phase evaluation report will judge progress largely by using these baseline indicators and information.
- To set achievable and realistic targets of planned outcome and outputs registered in the ADP designed documents and log frames; and to provide opportunity of updating and adjusting accordingly if necessary.
[1] Demographic condition refers to status with dynamic of population characteristics i.e. age, sex, occupation, education, status in household, status in community etc.
[2] Health condition refers to issues related to health care and prevention services etc.
[3] Environmental status deals with land, trees, water, air, climate and minerals etc.