Community Development and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL)

(April 2014-October 2016) 
Project Location: Teesta, Jamuna, Brahmaputra and Padma Chars

M&E activities of REE-CALL project of Oxfam has been carried out at three levels: (i) NGOs (SEED, Gonochetona & Polli Sree) will carry out internal monitoring, (ii) Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Agency (Agency as MEAL) will be engaged to support Oxfam-GB in monitoring activities and preparing external/process monitoring and evaluation reports, and (iii) Management Information System (MIS) of MEAL will process data and convey M&E reports and learning issues/reviews to Oxfam-GB. Hence, to make the project successful, MELT will need to have an active role in project monitoring of intended activities.

Services under Baseline Survey :

  • form and strengthen 350 producers groups of smallholders including jute groups
  • gather baseline quantitative data and qualitative analysis and obtain information on ground realities in the targeted areas;
  • design the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) framework;
  • monitor project activities and outcomes on six monthly for assessing the set indicators according to the designed MEL framework;
  • prepare consolidated analytical baseline report
  • provide MIS related support to OGB, and
  • prepare half yearly monitoring and evaluation report including lessons learned and recommendation.