Jute Value Chain Study
(January 2016-October 2016)
Project Location: Greater Mymensingh
Objective of the Study: To understand the jute value chain as a whole to determine opportunities and viable business models to address problems faced by paddy farmers and other value chain actors. Specific objectives are-
- To understand the jute value chain including the government role and to estimate costs and margins for key value chain actors
- To assess technical/machine and business performance of jute processing
- To assess environmentally sustainability issues related to jute production and processing
- To explore potential and scope of working with cottage base jute inductries and other value chain actors (if any) to address the challenges faced by farmers
- To ascertain whether such engagement will result in improved market access for farmers
- To identify the mechanism of such engagement that ensure a win-win situation across the value chain; and
To develop Traidcraft’s intervention strategy for working with the jute sector in Bangladesh which will produce transformative change at scale for 100,000 of small and marginal farmers.