Monitoring and Evaluation and providing MIS related support of Post Literacy and Continuing Education for Human Development Project-2 (PLCEHD-2) : Specialist Service Provider as Monitoring Partner Agency (MoPA)
(July 2009-Apr 2013)
Project Location: All upazilas (27) of Moulvibazar, Sylhet and Sunamganj
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is interlinked with the post literacy and continuing education (PLCE) programs so that the Project Implementation and Management Unit (PIMU) can take appropriate decision at any time analyzing all the data that it receives. In order to ensure effectiveness, monitoring, evaluation and reporting formats have to be simple, easy, and user friendly. The mechanism needs to be uninterrupted to ensure availability of quantitative and qualitative data to monitor the Project activities. M&E activities will be carried out at three levels: (i) INGOs will carry out internal monitoring, (ii) Monitoring Partner Agency (MOPA) will be engaged to support the implementing non-government organizations (INGOs) in monitoring activities and preparing external monitoring and evaluation reports, and (iii) PLCE-Management Information System (MIS) will process data and help the PIMU to prepare M&E reports and reviews. Hence, to make the project successful, MOPA will need to have an active role in project monitoring of INGOs. One MOPA will be engaged in each division of the country.
Objectives of the MOPA’s Assignment:
The main objectives of the MOPA are to (i) monitor the qualitative aspects of the implementation of the project activities, (ii) prepare consolidated analytical report based on the internal monitoring reports of the INGOs, (iii) serve as external monitor to evaluate the performance of the INGOs for providing feedback to PIMU and BNFE, (iv) provide MIS related support to INGOs, and (v) prepare half yearly monitoring and evaluation report including lessons learned and recommendation.
Services :
The following are the major dimensions of the program monitoring activities identified for the MOPA, but not limited to:
- Primarily responsible for making available all the required information as and when asked by the competent authority at different level of the line ministry, the Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE) and PIMU and ADB responsible for the project implementation;
- Assist the INGOs in monitoring learners and their opinion and keep up-to-date information in a simple and effective way;
- Assist the INGOs to conduct timely deliberation on progress of the learners on acquiring different skills as well as economic development; monthly, yearly, mid-term and final;
- Conduct investigation sampling research on qualitative aspect of the program along with effect of the Project on the beneficiaries;
- Assist the INGOs maintaining and updating comprehensive list of selected learners and prepare their choice of interest for skill training;
- Assist the INGOs in preparing a job/trade/directory based upon the opportunities and potentials existing in the locality in consultation with INGOs. It will cover agricultural and non-agricultural sectors and use best available knowledge and skills to create new job market in the local level;
- Consolidate the continuing education center (CEC) activities information of the district based on the information provided by the INGO and present it to PIMU;
- Assist in INGOs record keeping of administrative, financial, monitoring operations as per BNFE instructions and make them available for auditing by the Assistant Director of concerned district BNFE officer of a as assigned by the project authority;
- Ensure that issues of gender and equity are adequately considered in all elements of PLCEHD program;
- Assist the INGOs in compiling the CEOs course types and neo-literates interests/request and options for further discussion and decisions and assist in ensuring facilities for implementations of the discussion and decisions and assist in ensuring facilities for implementation of the decisions;
- Find innovative and more fruitful ways of reporting to provide the primary stakeholders with a transparent picture of the program in operation but also can serve as a literacy tool to support and extend literacy skills;
- Closely communicate with the Consultants who would conduct M&E training and workshop on training plan, curricula and material;
- Collect the feedback on the M&E system, tolls, training plan materials, and revise, if necessary;
- Objectively monitor the MIS and provide a quality picture of skills learning at the community level and of program implementation;
Assist the PIMU to develop monitoring formats for project implementation and financial activities of the project, pre-and post assessment tests of literacy, numeracy and life skills for post-literacy, survey report formats to assess the quality of PLCE training courses and learners feedback.