Resource Mapping Survey and Studies to prepare an inventory of waterbodies and identify in digital mouza maps using GIS interface
(October 2009-March 2010)
Project Location: Dharmapasha, Sunamganj
Objective of the resource mapping exercises is to get an insight of pattern of land and resource use and document the biophysical and socioeconomic aspects of natural resources in the project areas for sustainable management of haor resources. The study team works with local UPs.
Services :
- prepare and produce resource maps of haor areas in original mouza maps (CS map) using PRA tools and prepare updatable digital form showing the resource (beels, khas land, ponds/khals), settlements, croplands, wetlands, swamp tree forest, reed lands, fallow lands, threshing areas, grazing areas, seed bed areas, sources of water, submergible dikes, degraded area, access arrangements in different water bodies and other natural resources;
- conduct feasibility study through PRA for community attitude towards the present usage/possessions/further development of water resources (Jalmahal), possibility of any social conflict;
- identify the physical status: area/size. Siltation condition, average yearly fish production;
- Identity lease status
Recommend/suggest for development (excavation/demarcation/plantation/habitat restoration/ sanctuary /fisheries, hydraulic structure etc.) and sustainable use of the identified resources by the local government units.