Published By: Nutrition Connect

Sara Bangla Krishak Society, a national federation of farmer organisations in Bangladesh, has established 57 Virtual Call Centers across the country, allowing farmers to continue selling their commodities and buying essential inputs and services. The call centers not only help ensure that farmers can continue to provide food for their families and the country at large, they also provide them with vital information about how to keep themselves and their families healthy and about support they can receive from government and other actors. In Laos, an organic vegetable production group affiliated with the Lao Farmer Network, has partnered with the local government, and a private trading company to transport their products to the capital. In the Philippines, KGAT, an all-women cooperative of the Dumagat indigenous community, made a deal with a homeowners’ association to establish a farmers’ market in their area. In India, the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), an all-women national farmers’ organisation, has distributed free face masks to farming families.
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